Creating a safe environment for women all over the world to grow in faith, so that they can know their purpose, and be confident in the skin they are in.
We see women being Bold as spiritual leaders, coaches, mothers, business owners & entrepreneurs.
WE do this by walking in our purpose, staying connected with God and pursuing the call of GOD for our lives.
Women Have a Purpose OTM Inc. is a faith-based not for profit organization that serves the needs of Women, Teens, and Young Adults.

SHARING FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE. It's a movement that ministers!
Because of purpose, you have a future, regardless of your past.
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; Rev.12:11

Andree Long is the founder and CEO of Women Have a Purpose OTM Inc. WHAP OTM is a women’s leadership development ministry that Andree established in 2004, but formally launched in 2021.
Andree is an Army veteran spouse of 25 years. A mother of 2 children. She also a co-founder and Executive Pastor of STRIVE, - Family Resource Center for military and faith-based community. She is a certified Christan life coach, license Ordained Minister, a Minister of Music and a Certified Marriage Facilitator.
She is involved as a co-lead with the Veteran’s Spouse Network (VSN) based out of The University of Texas at Austin. She is an officer of the El Paso Family Advocacy Council (FAC) of the El Paso Center for Children., co- youth leader at her local church: Rock Faith Center in El Paso, TX. She is also a member of the National Parent Cafe Leadership Team of Be Strong Families. In her free time, she likes to pursue music and graphic design. and enjoys being a mentor for Ministry Leaders, Life Coaches, Teens and Young Adults.
Invite Me to your Next Event.

Hello Andree, here, I would love to be a part of your next event. I minister all over the United States & overseas through song, preaching, small groups facilitation. community advisor. Coach retreat. My true passion is getting the opportunity to mentorship youth & youth adults.
. Here are just a few areas I have work
- Spiritual Leader/ Guidance Consultant
- Speaker (Business & Faith-base)
- Master Facilitator
- Team building workshops.
- Retreat
For booking information email whapotm@gmail.com or schedule a free session by clicking the link.